from $469.00

Ramayana Tours

Not Rated

10 Days | 9 Nights

Tour Type

Daily Tour

Group Size






NO OF PAX                  : 4 PAX

(Only for the Transport)

Please refer to TERMS and CONDITIONS under FAQ section below. Acceptance of these ‘Terms and Conditions’ is a requirement of your booking. Submission of a booking is your acknowledgement that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by  these ‘Terms and Conditions’.


  • PunchiKatharagama Temple
  • Munneswaram Temple
  • Manawari Temple
  • Wariyapola
  • Koneshwaram Temple
  • Shankari Devi temple
  • Hot water wells
  • Nalandagedige
  • Kandy city tour
  • Hanuman Temple
  • Tea factory
  • Waterfalls
  • Sita Amman Temple
  • Hakgala garden
  • Ashokavatika
  • Divurumpola temple
  • Ravana waterfall
  • Katharagama Temple
  • Ussangoda
  • Anjaneyar Temple
  • Kelaniya Temple


Day 1 - Airport - Negombo
Day 1 - Airport - Negombo

On arrival at the Colombo International Airport you will be warmly welcomed by our representative, introduce your guide lecture and proceed to Kandy. Negombo is the Dutch captured the town from the Portuguese in 1640. It is referred as ‘little Rome’. The town is dotted with shrines and churches as a majority of Negombo population is Roman Catholic. St. Mary’s church, built in 1874 the biggest of them all is worthy of a visit. Negombo fish market, Dutch fort, Dutch canal are the other highlighted places to visit. In the evening you can visit Muthurajawela marsh. The Muthurajawela Marshes are situated just south of Negombo and covers an area of approximately 6,000 hectares inclusive of the Negombo lagoon. The daily high tide brings in seawater from the ocean into the wetland. Continuous mixing of these two waters over thousands of years, has led to a brackish, integrated coastal ecosystem that is biologically diverse and teeming with life. A variety of mangroves and other types of flora including medicinal plants are found alongside numerous types of birds, butterflies and fish, some of which are endemic. Crocodiles, monitor lizards, and Sri Lanka’s largest snake, the Python, are also native. You're overnight staying at Negombo

Day 2 - Negombo -Sigiriya
Day 2 - Negombo -Sigiriya

After breakfast we proceed to visit Munneswaram Temple and Manawari Temple. We can visit PunchiKatharagama Temple en-route. PunchiKatharagama Temple This neat and colurful new Replica of Katharagama temple in Madampe was dedicated to Lord Murugan in January 2012. This is a huge and busy temple. Munneswaram Temple The Munneswaram Kovil close to Chilaw is one of the 5 major Shiva temples of Sri Lanka and Rameshwaram islands, called Ishvarams. According to a Tamil legend, the temple is situated at a place where king Rama prayed to Shiva after committing the worst crime according to Hindu Dharma, namely Brahmahasti, the killing of a priest, because Ravana who had to be killed by Rama in order to liberate Sita, was of Brahmin caste. Rama stopped the Vimana vehicle at Munneshvaram because of his impression the Doshana sin was not following him at this place. So he ascended from the vimana and prayed to God Shiva asking for a remedy. Shiva advised Rama to install four lingams at Manavari, Trinco, Mannar and Rameshwaram for this purpose. Manavari Temple Manavari, about 6 kms north of Chilaw, is the first place where Lord Rama installed a Lingam, as a remedy to Lord Shiva after committing Brahmincide by killing the king Ravana who was a Brahmin. This Shiva Lingam in Manavari is called Ram lingam because it was made by Lord Rama. There are only two Lingams in the world named after Lord Rama, the other one being that of Rameshvaram in India. Optional: DolukandaSanjeewanee Mountain Dolukanda is a table mountain rock 20 kms north of district capital Kurunegala, close to Hiripitiya village. When during the war with Ravana's army of demons both Lord Rama and Lakshmana were seriously wounded by powerful arrows and fell unconscious Lord Hanuman was instructed to fetch life saving herbs which only grew in the Himalayas. Hanuman carried a whole mountain range to Lanka, as he was not able to identify the life saving herbs himself. Parts from that piece of the Himalayas fell on five places in Lanka. Dolukanda in Hiripitiya, north of Kurunegala, is believed to be one of them. This legend explains the abundance of Ayurvedic herbs in this area, which was one reason to build the nearby ancient forest monastery called Arankale which during the Anuradhapura period served as a healing centre, too.) You're overnight staying at Sigiriya.

Day 3 - Sigiriya - Trincomalee

We start our journey to Trincomalee early in the morning and breakfast on the way. ThiruKoneshvaram ThiruKoneshwaram, lovely located on a rock promontory of Trincomalee, was built by Rishi Agastya on the instructions of Lord Shiva who was impressed by the devotion of King Ravana. This place is unique in this respect, the Lord building a temple for his devotee as a reward for his devotion. Lord Rama is believed to have offered his prayers here, too, in order to get rid of the malediction of killing Ravana who was a Brahmin, meaning BrahmahasthiDosham. The famous temple built here during the glorious era of the Tamil Pallava and Chola and Pandya empires, was destructed by bigoted Portuguese Christians between 1622 and 1624. Sri Shankari Devi ShakthiPitam Adjacent to Trincomalee famous Koneshvaram temple there is another shrine; it is small in size but of some significance for Hindu pilgrims. This Shankaridevi temple is a reconstruction at a new place. The original Shanakridevi temple, said to be built by Ravana, was the first in the list of AshtaDasha (18) Shakti Pitas written down by AdiShankara, but its whole cliff was destroyed by Portuguese cannon balls. Only a pillar for commemoration is placed on that spot now. And it is believed that the original idol of the goddess has been preserved and replaced, being venerated now in this nearby new Shankaridevi temple. Kanniyai The hot wells of Kanniyai or Kanniya are close to the main road to Anuradhapura only about 10 kms from Trincomalee town. Pilgrims believe in heir healing power. There are many different versions of the myth how these curative hot water wells came into existence; most of them are connected to Ravana. One legend about Kanniya's origin has it, that this is the place where King Ravana carried out the last rites for his mother. When he was unable to find water to duly perform the rites, he in anger pierced his Trishula into the ground seven times. Water started gushing out immediately. The very hot water cooled down to the present degree when Ravana's anger calmed down. The temperature of the water is different in all the seven wells. You're overnight staying at Trincomalee.

Day 4 - Trincomalee - Kandy
Day 4 - Trincomalee - Kandy

We proceed to Kandy early in the morning and breakfast on the way. Nalanda TheNalandagedige is geographically located in the very centre of the island. It is a Buddhist temple in the first place, but in many respects exceptional. The images of this temple prove Mahayana Buddhist and even Tantric influence on this Theravada dominated island during its late Anuradhapura kingdom period (7th to 10th century). Furthermore the architectural style of this Gedige is obviously influenced by the Dravidian architecture of the Pallava and the Pandya kingdoms of Southern India. So the Nalanda Gedige resembles very much an ancient Hindu shrine. And maybe it was even a sanctuary before Buddhist times. (Optional: Sigiriya In the rock garden area of Sigiriya there is the Cobra Hooded Cave. It is a rock-shelter surmounted by a boulder in the form of a cobra hood. It is one of the many spots believed to have been a place of Sita's captivity on Lanka. An inscription mentioning a Naguliya Lena is said to be a proof for it as Naguliya is identified with Sita as allegedly both names can have the same meaning "born from a furrow", because "Naguliya" could be derived from the words for snakes and for plough. But historians believe Naguliya to be the name of a local chieftain who donated the cave to the Buddhist order. The Ramayana Trail legends even the ancient rock fortress Sigiriya itself is sometimes claimed to have been a palace of Ravana, because historically it is connected to the cult of Kuwera. Kuwera was the step brother of Ravana who became his successor as king of Lanka.) Temple of the Tooth and Devales, Kandy Kandy's Tooth Relic Temple is the most significant Buddhist holy place in Sri Lanka, venerated by Buddhists from Southeast Asia as well. There are four shrines for gods connected to the Buddha's Tooth Relic Temple. These four Devala plays an important role in the processions of the Buddha's Tooth Temple, The mainly Sinhalese places of worship, whereas Tamil Hindu temples are called Kovil. But the Devala are closely connected to Hinduism in many ways. The above mentioned world-famous procession called Kandy Perahara, originates in the RathaYatras held for the Hindu deities. And the priests of the KatharagamaDevale in the city centre are not Sinhalese Caporals, but Tamil Brahmins. Kandy city tour, Evening enjoy a typical Sri Lankan Cultural show of drumming dancing music and walking on fire. You're overnight staying at Kandy.

Day 5- Kandy - Trincomalee

We proceed to Nuwara eliya after the breakfast at hotel. We can visit Hanuman Temple, Tea factory and Waterfalls en-route. Sri Bhakta Hanuman Temple, Ramboda The Sri Lanka branch of the Chinmaya mission, committed to promoting the Ramayana philosophy as well as Ramayana Trail pilgrimages, has built a temple with Hanuman as a presiding deity in Ramboda at the Kandy to NuwaraEliya main road. There is a new five meters tall granite statue of Rama's devote supporter. Hanuman is believed to have started his searching for Sita in the Baroda hills. Hanuman traditionally was not as popular among Sri Lankan Tamil devotees as he indeed is in India, because he devastated parts of the island with his burning tail. But in recent times Hindu missionaries and local Tamil spiritual leaders began building shrines for worshipping Hanuman in Sri Lanka, too. The Tamil word for Ramboda, Rampadai, means "Rama's force", this is why Ramboda is believed the area where Rama collected his troops. You can enjoy by Nuwara eliya city tour in the evening. You’re overnight staying at Nuwara eliya.

Day 6 - Nuwara eliya - Ella
Day 6 - Nuwara eliya - Ella

We departure from the hotel proceed to Ella after breakfast. We can visit Sita Amman Temple, Hakgala garden, Divurumpola temple en-route. Sita Amman Temple, AshokaVatika, SitaEliya The Sita Amman Temple, located halfway between the highland village SitaEliya and the Hakgala Botanical Gardens, has become the most venerated of all Ramayana Trail sites in Sri Lanka, because it is believed to be the place where Sita lived most of the time of her captivity on the island of Lanka. After she refused to stay in Ravana's magnificent palace she was transferred to AshokaVatika or AshokaVana where she lived under Ashoka trees. It was here that Ravana's wife Mandodarim visited her and that Hanuman met her for the first time, identifying himself with the finger ring of Rama. Sita is said to have bathed in the nearby stream. There are remarkable holes in the rocks at the river bank believed to be footprints of Lord Hanuman. Hakgala Hakgala rock surmounts the Hakgala Botanical gardens, only a few kilometers away from the AshokaVatika. It is sometimes told that Hakgala rock is one of the pieces of the Himalayas that fell down when Hanuman carried Mount Dronagiri to Lanka. But usually the Ramayana Trail identifies only 5 other places as originating from these events, viz. Rumassala near Galle, Dolukanda in Hiripitiya, Ritigala near Habarana, Thalladi on Mannar, and Kachchativu island. Divurumpola Divurumpola is said to be the location where Sita underwent the famous fire ordeal Agni Pariksha, in order to prove her chastity. From the flames arose the fire god Agni who was invoked by Sita. He lifted her from the flames unharmed and presented her to Lord Rama who explained this test was only necessary to prove the truth of her purity and innocence to everybody. Divurumpola is said to have been the location of this episode, because the Sinhalese name means a ‘marketplace of oath’. Today the temple is respected as a suitable place for oaths that can be helpful settling disputes between parties. You’re overnight staying at Ella.

Day 7 - Ella - Katharagama

We proceed to Katharagama after the breakfast from the hotel. We can visit Ravana waterfall en-route. Ravana Ella The Ravana Ella Falls and the Ravana Ella Cave are located close to the Wellawaya main road in the famous valley called Ella gap, only about 6 kms away from the town of Ella well known for its splendid views to the Ella gap. The cascading waterfall measures about 25 meters. It is believed that Sita bathed in a pool that accumulated the water falling from this waterfall. The nearby Ravana Ella cave is quite small, only 50 meters long. As in the case of Ishthripura Cave in Welimada, legend has it that it was used by King Ravana to hide princess Sita. It is believed to belong to a network of tunnels also connecting it to the Dova temple and to all the palaces and airports and dairy farms of king Ravana. Archaeological findings in the Ravana Cave include a human skull dating back to 20,000 BC. Katharagama Katharagama is the name of the god and his hometown as well. Katharagama is the Sinhalese form of Skanda, also known as Subrahmaniya. He usually is called Murugan or Kathikeya by Tamils. His local consort Valli and his Indian consort Teyvanai (Devasena) and his brother Ganesha are worshipped in their respective own shrines in the holy city of Katharagama, too. Sinhalese worship Skanda-Kataragama as one of their four or five national gods, especially as protector of the island's south. For Buddhists Katharagama is a place additionally sanctified by a visit of the Buddha. Even WeddaTribal’s and Muslim Sufis regard Katharagama as a prominent place of worshipping god. Katharagamadeviyo furthermore is linked to the Ramayana Trail legend, Lord Indra is said to have given him orders to join the battle at the last day of the war to protect Lord Rama from the powerful wrath of Lanka's demon king Ravana. (Optional: Yala safari by Jeep. Yala national park which is the second largest national park in Sri Lanka, Yala is situated in the Southeast part of the island in the dry, semi-arid climate region, bordering the Indian Ocean. Afternoon commence a jeep safari in the Yala National Park by private jeep accompanied by a tracker. Yala National Park one of Sri Lanka’s premier eco tourist destinations is renowned for its variety of wildlife notably its many elephants. It is also home to the spotted deer, sambar, wild buffalo, sloth bear, jackal, mongoose and crocodiles. The peacock is easily the most famous of the birds in this park. Yala has a high concentration of leopards although seeing these nocturnal carnivores still requires some luck. ) You’re overnight staying at Katharagama.

Day 8 - Katharagama - Colombo

We will departure from the hotel after breakfast and proceed to Colombo. We can visit Ussangoda en-route. Ussangoda Ussangoda is a strange coastal area because of its lack of trees. Its serpentine rock contains toxic heavy metals. Only specific smaller plants were able to adapt to this soil. But according to the Ramayana legends there are two more explanation for the baldness of Ussangoda. After meeting Sitadevi Lord Hanuman provoked the mighty King Ravana and his army of Rakshasa. It resulted in Lord Hanuman's tail being set on fire by Rakskasa. Hanuman in turn went on to torch parts of King Ravanaempire with his burning tail. Ussangoda is said to be one of these burnt areas. Besides the Ramayana Trail legend has it that earlier on the Ussangoda plateau was used an airport by King Ravana for his Dandumonara peacock chariot, before Hanuman devastated the landing site. Colombo Colombo is the commercial capital in Sri Lanka. You will drive through the commercial area of Fort, so named because both the Portuguese and Dutch had a fort at this point. Drive past Pettah, a noisy Oriental bazaar with a mix of humanity, ancient vehicles, bargains, mosques and temples. You will visit a Hindu and Buddhist Temple and the JumiUlAlfarJumma Mosque. You will continue with the tour through the Wolfendhal Dutch Church, Hulftsdorp Law Courts, through the residential area of Cinnamon Gardens, and on to the Independence Square, Bandaranayke Memorial International Conference Hall. You’re overnight staying at Colombo.

Day 9 - Colombo

After the breakfast at the hotel and we proceed to visit Kelani Temple and Panchamuga Anjaneyar temple. Colombo city tour and shopping in the evening You’re overnight staying at Colombo.

Day 10 -Colombo - Airport
Day 10 -Colombo - Airport

Now we completed our 10 days Ramayana tour around the Sri Lanka. We leave to airport for your departure.


  • 01 Mineral water Bottle per day per person.
  • Meeting arrangements at the airport on arrival and departure.
  • The above are net and include all government taxes.
  • Transportation by air-conditioned vehicle throughout the tour with an English-speaking driver .

Tour's Location



1.This service is provided by a 3rd party person/company. Kindly note that upon Initial correspondence, you will be contacting the owner/advertiser of this Tour package directly. Any correspondence, transactions (apart from the initial 10% deposit) and agreements will be between you and the owner/advertiser directly. We do not guarantee their services or are responsible for services provided by advertisers. We advise you to take precaution when making any payments or signing any agreements. If making any payments we recommend that you have two permanent & verified methods of contact of the payment receiver such as their landline number and home/business address. By contacting the advertiser you will be agreeing to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy

2. Please use the “Inquiry” form to send us your details including number of travelers, arriving date & Contact details such as Email, Viber or WhatsApp numbers. Upon verifying the details, we will send you further information along with the payment details 3. Rates vary depending on the time of the year and the number of people travelling. Get in touch with us at, if you’re interested in this particular itinerary or after a customized tour package 4. Note - The starting point of the tour is Colombo. However, if you want us to pick you up from a different location, we can arrange it at an extra cost. 5. Hotel check in time: 14.00 hours and Hotel check out time: 11.00 hours. 6. Dress Code : Casual, Comfortable clothing and need to wear appropriately when visiting Religious Sites 7. ‘No Show’ will not be entitled to any refunds.

8. Payments: In order to confirm your tour package, 10% deposit of the full payment is required upon confirmation. Balance 90% should be paid 24 hours prior to departure of the tour Or at the time of pick up from the Colombo Air Port for those who commence the Tour upon arrival in Sri Lanka. 9. Our Cancellation/refund Policy: 90 days or more before departure -We will retain 10% of Deposit 89 to 64 days before departure -We will retain 25% of Deposit 63 to 43 days before departure -We will retain 50% of Deposit 42 to 31 days before departure -We will retain 75% of Deposit Within 30 days of departure -We will retain 100% of Deposit

10.Travel Insurance: Travel insurance is not included in your tour price. It is your responsibility to verify whether your local health/travel insurance carrier provides coverage while traveling.

We strongly encourage and advise you to purchase a comprehensive travel insurance policy to cover all aspects of your tour including the loss of deposits through cancellation, loss of baggage and personal items, personal injury and death. A waiver must be signed if insurance is declined.

11. Acceptance of these ‘Terms and Conditions’ is a requirement of your booking. Submission of a booking is your acknowledgement that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by these ‘Terms and Conditions’.

from $469.00


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