Udawalawe Park

Udawalawe National Park is a lush grassland interspaced with patches of thick forests and it spans over an area of 30,000 hectares. Having being declared a National Park in 1972, the richness in Udawalawe’s biodiversity allures many a wildlife enthusiast. Udawalawe is home to a great number of elephants who have claimed the authority in its sheer wilderness. It is said that visiting the Udawalawe Park is akin to an African Safari due its thriving community of wild elephants and open grasslands that stretch as far as the eye could see.Watching them play, wrestle and enjoy a soak near the water holes is endless entertainment.

Apart from its elephant population, Udawalawe is also known as a paradise for birds. Various avian species such as Black-capped Kingfisher, Black-winged Kite, Brown Fish Owl, Grey-headed Fishing Eagle, Hawk Eagle, Asian Openbill and Crested Serpent Eagle are residents of the Park. If luck is on your side you might even be able to get those prized shots of leopards hidden by foliage on trees. Herds of water buffaloes are basking in a pure natural mud soak in the Walaweriver while mugger crocodiles are sunning themselves on the edges of the waterholes scattered across the Park. Flocks of Cormorants and Painted Stroks can be seen around these water bodies.It is an exhilarating sight to spot deers dashing across the terrain like a bolt of lightning, disturbed by human presence. During a game drive at Udawalawe National Park, elusive sloth bears, jungle fowls and peacocks are a common sight.

udawalawe - VISIT 2 SRI LANKA
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