
The Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage was established in 1972 to provide extensive care for orphaned elephants. However, the orphanage was relocated to its current location in 1975. Today, Pinnawala has the largest herd of captive elephants in the world. Around at nine in the morning, the staff of the orphanage starts feeding the motherless baby elephants. You can try your hands at bottle feeding a baby jumbo which is sure to be an experience of a lifetime. It is heartwarming to see them guzzle down bottle after bottle of milk with happy faces. The baby elephants are playful and might even sniff at your pockets and try to grab your ankle with their little trunk. Once the first feeding session is over, the mahouts take the elephants to the nearby Ma Oya for their morning bath. The massive heard marches towards the river captivating the onlooker and the river turns into their giant bathtub where they frolic in and play with each other. The jumbos fill water into their trunks and splash it on their backs. They come to the river for an evening bath, too. The elephants freely roam around the orphanage, munching on their daily feed. Do not go too closer to the elephants as some of them are not tamed and always listen to the staff of the orphanage.

The orphanage takes care of more than 100 elephants including the offspring of the ones who were initially orphaned. Apart from treating injured elephants, the orphanage also functions as the main breeding centre in Sri Lanka. A day at the orphanage is sure to be a fun-filled one spent amidst gentle jumbos and their shenanigans.

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